Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Making Your Own Dog Food Could Save Your Dogs Life

If you are thinking of making your own dog food you have started down a path that will ultimately extend the life of your canine friend and free them from an untimely fate of death-by-disease or toxic poisoning.

To some this may seem like an outrageous claim but the facts becoming better known that dog food companies are hurting your dog's health for a number of cost cutting reasons:

  • Offshore Processing - With the cost of production and labor being so cheap in places like China and India many dog food companies tend to produce their products overseas and have them shipped into the country. This means that they are stored longer and it opens up a whole other can of worms as continues below
  • Lax Standards - While the controlling organization has a set of rigorous standards much like human food production when not in the country these standards may slide somewhat as less developed nations struggle to give large companies low prices for labor and start cost cutting on their end too ending up with poor labor and poor quality control which has been one of the reasons that a number of companies have imported foods so toxic that they have not just hurt your dogs but have killed them outright!
  • Poor Ingredients - This is more the owning companies fault in another cost cutting measure. Instead of putting in high quality ingredients that give your dog the nutrition they need to be healthy they substitute less nutritional "filler" to bulk up the product but add little value for your pet's health and well-being. This blatant cost cutting can make your pet very sick over time if not immediately and reduce their quality of life.

When making your own dog food you can avoid this trap of commercial interests and tailor the right food for your pooch that can give them startling increases in their health that will extend their lifespan by years and make them happier as well.

If you want proof of the callous, cost cutting attitude by dog food companies and 5 simple things you must do to protect your dog from death-by-disease click below to find out one mans answer to his faithful hounds demise and how by making his own dog food he can make sure it never happens again.


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